Your contributions
will greatly improve
their quality of life.

Help Our Cause

Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.

Our Team

Our amazing team of regular and part-time volunteers are committed to helping others. We take our convictions and turn them into action. Think you would be a good fit? Get in touch for more information!

Our History

Seeing a need for energetic, nonprofit work in this area, we formed our organization to provide sensible solutions. We’ve consistently grown since then, all thanks to the helping hands of this amazing community!

Our Mission

We focus on making the maximum positive effort for our the lives of the children we serve.. Our members and volunteers provide the dedication that helps us affect change. Using data driven models, we provide solutions that make a long-lasting difference.

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Resources Allocation and

The current resource distribution scheme that Spectrum International Children has established for for the current fiscal year.

Registration & Resource Allocation Phase

Parents and children are registered in the Spectrum International Children participant program and undergo friendly quarterly interviews with our team of experts. This allows us to efficiently determine critical points of attention and effectively streamline the required resources.

Medical and Mental Health Evaluations

Dr. Nwogh Benson and the Spectrum International Children team perform a basic nutritional medical and behavioral health assessment to detect any conditions and/ailments  that could require immediate attention and/or treatment.

Social and Economic Assessment

A comprehensive profile is created of the participants which provides detailed information useful in the preparation of a customized assistance plan for each participant according their specific needs.

Nutrition and Personal Care

 The SPETRUM FOOD HALL is Spectrum International Children’s signature social foodbank project. It currently provides 3 warm, nutritional, and tasty meals for more than 1200 children every day.  An impressive example of an alliance between Spectrum International Children and its supporters, the private sector, and local governments to make a positive impact that will carry in for generations to come. 

The SPECTRUM Academy

 This academy is a basic education school that focuses on providing volunteer-based workshop, courses, and seminars to children in several areas, according to their age, interests. Other specific areas of focus are environmental awareness and renewable energies, information and communications technology, cultural and historic preservation, and financial awareness. The Spectrum International Children Academy is currently in the research and developmental phase. 

Administrative and Operational Expenses

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