
I am 9 years old. I am from quê Yên Bái. I was sent to the orphanage because I have no family and no one to care for me. At the orphanage, I have food and can go to school and have other kids to talk to. I feel very sad when I see other children that have parents who buy them clothes and take them to the park to play sports. On holidays, I feel very sad and alone.

Vũ Minh Hiêu

I am 10 years old and was born in quê Quang Ninh. When I was 6 years old, the police came and took my parents to prison and left me and my 2 younger brothers alone and frightened. We had no idea what to do and had no place to go. We lived days crying and waiting for our parents to return home. After two days of being alone and without food or water, we went to the neighbor’s house. For about 1 month, the neighbor fed us but when the rice ran out, she told us to leave because she had no more rice She called the orphanage and told them to come to get us because she could no longer feed us. Here at the orphanage, my brothers and I go to school and live.

Bùi thi Út Hiên